Sunday, January 1, 2023

No OTC Cough Medicine on the Shelves, Turn to Nature For A Cure with.....


Better Breathing Starts With You

1/1/2023 IOS Staff

Problems breathing can severely limit our independence and quality of life. To put it simply, air is the most significant factor in our health and well-being. A lack of energy, vigor, and/or mental clarity is common among those who suffer from asthma, bronchitis, allergies, recurrent colds, or simply insufficient oxygen consumption.

The health and vigor of every single one of our cells rely on a steady flow of oxygen.

Insights Into the Roots of Breathing Difficulties

The lungs and other parts of the respiratory system may be particularly vulnerable because of inherent frailties in our bodies. Therefore, these bodily systems will begin to malfunction when fatigued, overworked, nervous, or stressed.

However, this does not imply that we are doomed to hardship. In order to take care of and safeguard our bodies and minds, the responsibility is squarely in our own hands.

1. Compromised immune system that can't adequately ward off harmful bacteria and viruses. The immune system may overreact in an attempt to protect the body against "imagined" threats. The immune system's overreaction can lead to a variety of health problems, including allergies and asthma.

2. Environmental factors may amplify the problem.

  • Respiratory issues are often made worse by the combination of cold and humidity.
  • Allergies to airborne particles like pollen can be a real problem.
  • Factors unique to the workplace, like exposure to dust or cigarette smoke, may also contribute to the worsening of symptoms.
  • Air pollution causes irritation in the lungs and nasal passages.
  • Cigarette smoke definitely ruins our lungs by preventing us from breathing in fresh air.

3. An excessive amount of mucus is produced, which obstructs the airways and makes it difficult to breathe. In general, dairy products, refined grains (such white flour and rice), and sugary foods contribute to mucus overproduction.

4. The mucus becomes thick and sticky, making it difficult to breathe, if you don't drink enough liquids. This makes it easier for bacteria to spread and multiply.

5. Nerve impulses and bio-energy may be impeded on their way to the lungs if the spinal column is compressed or if the muscles of the upper back are tense. The lungs' normal functioning could be hampered as a result of this.

6. We can unblock our emotions by focusing on our breathing. Involuntary breath holding is common among those who are anxious, depressed, fearful, worried, or have a low opinion of themselves. As a result, their breath is tight, shallow, and irregular.

7. Adrenal gland dysfunction due to persistent emotional barriers is a possible additional contributor to the underlying hormonal imbalance. Feelings of despair and gloom can also dampen or otherwise interfere with the immune system's ability to do its job.

8. People have trouble breathing is that they haven't been taught how to do it properly. Learning to breathe more efficiently can provide us more life force, calmness, focus, and vitality. Professional breath coaches can teach you how to do this.

Several Prospective Methods

1. Habits and the surrounding environment

a. Maximize your oxygen intake and decrease your pollution levels by surrounding oneself with big green leafy plants.

2. Take regular trips outside of the city. Get out into the open air, near the water or the mountains.

c. Cleanse and revitalize your lungs with regular deep breathing.

d. Exhaling deeply while walking can remove a sizable portion of lung-clogging pollutants.

c. If smoking, do yourself a favor and quit.


The Recommended Dietary Allowances, or dietary guidelines

Don't eat any dairy, sugar, candy, white wheat, or white rice. When the condition improves, we can gradually reintroduce dairy products while monitoring the body's reaction.

Fruits and vegetables should make up a large percentage of your diet.

Consume a large amount of hot liquid daily (six to eight cups). Water, herbal teas, or water with lemon are all acceptable options. Put down the iced coffee and soda and stick to room temperature beverages.

When you have a cold, you can relieve your congestion by eating onion and garlic soup seasoned with pepper, cinnamon, ginger, and cloves.

In rare situations, using natural vitamin C tablets may be useful.

Third, dealing with underlying emotional issues is crucial to resolving the breathing difficulties.

The good news is that there are a number of strategies available for dealing with these emotional elements, allowing us to get some much-needed respite and, ultimately, learn from and move beyond them.

a. We are able to break rid of many of our negative emotional attachments and phobias through the process of self-analysis or objective self-observation.

Negative feelings and behaviors can be countered by practicing positive mental habits such as affirmations and mental imagery.

Reprogramming techniques like EMDR, TFT, and EFT, as well as body-centered catharsis methods, can help us overcome the emotional roots of our psychosomatic illnesses.

Physical Methods and Practices

By utilizing a wide range of physical activities and methods, we want to: A.

It is essential to first free the chest and upper back of any tension or obstruction.

Second, learn to relax your breathing muscles and use them more effectively.

Third, concentrate life-sustaining blood and positive energy in the center of the chest.

If your nose is clogged, try clearing it out.

Fifth, encourage the adrenal glands and immune system to work in tandem.

The following are examples of  techniques that would benefit from being taught by a professional coach:

1. To begin, we can do something as simple as deep breathing exercises. By releasing pent-up emotions and tension, these practices can help us examine their root causes with greater objectivity and clarity.

2. Doing exercises that target the upper back and chest can be a great help in releasing pent-up stress and anxiety.

3. Deep relaxation methods are particularly efficient for calming the entire body and easing the tension in the breathing muscles.

4. The origin of the emotional blocks can be determined by using regression techniques during guided deep relaxation sessions.

If we treat our bodies and brains well, they, in turn, will take good care of us.

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