Available on eBay and other Select Retailers.
2025 Simple POS by IOS – (v8.0.1) Copyright 2019-2025 by Ingenious Office Solutions, All rights reserved.
2025 Simple POS by IOS - Automation Simplified
Instruction Manual
Simple POS tab:
<< You have the option of creating a Receipt, Quote or Invoice>>
First, save the program to your PC by the Copy and Paste or Save As, functions. Simple POS will work with any spreadsheet styled program such as Microsoft Excel, Google Docs, LibreOffice, Apache Office, Only Office, or other types of programs.
Receipt / Quote / Invoice Maker:
From the drop down menu where is says 'RECEIPT', select either Quote or Invoice. Read these instructions to use program. Use or enter product and customer information. Program will not automatically save Receipts, Please Save by Receipt Number or Print Out 2 copies, One for your customer, and One for Your Records.
Simple POS by IOS has been designed to work with any Barcode Scanner.
Barcode Scanner Use:
Simple POS by IOS tab - Click in box A13, box with be highlighted with a green border. Scan your first barcode, and key in the quantity. Cursor will automatically move down the page with each product scanned. Prices & Amounts are Automatically Calculated.
How It Works - Simple POS by IOS Tab:
Simple POS by IOS page has been re-designed to be your Invoice or Quote maker, your POS and Receipt, All In One. Once all of the other tabs have had their information in put, you will have a full POS system.
**Remember that the program will not automatically save or print the receipts.
1. Add Your Contact Information to the Top Left of the Page. Business Name, Address, Website, Phone.
2. All of the boxes in Yellow features a Drop Box Menu, when you click in the box, on the right, a down arrow will appear.
3. Sold To: The customers information will automatically appear if in put in the Customer's Tab (optional). Select #1000 for (Cash / Credit Sale) // "select" option is a place holder.
4. The Receipt Number DOES NOT Automatically Advance. (optional)
5. In the Custom Message Box, Type In Your Personalized Thanks.
6. Lines (E: 32 - 36) are the 'cash register' operations.
E:32 - Is the Sub Total for all the items purchased.
E:33 - Is the Sales Tax. You can change the sales tax for your region. To change the sales tax, simply click in the box and type in your sales tax in the following format: (0.00%), then press enter. Your tax is now set.
E:34 - Is the Amount DUE from the Customer.
E:35 - Is the Amount RECEIVED from the Customer. Key In the Amount the Customer Gives You. (50.00)
E:36 - Is the Amount of CHANGE You will Give the Customer.
7. When you print the receipt and the copy, you can check (Cash, Check, or Credit / Debit) (optional).
8. To RESET Product or Barcode field, simply TYPE - SCAN in the box.
Inventory Tab:
Inventory tab - Click in box A2, box will be highlighted. Scan your first barcode, then fill in the supporting information for the line.
The Inventory Tab will support hundreds of items. It will calculate the Total Price, Total Paid and Total
Profit on line 804.
Inventory Tab Fields - Product Number (key in) or Barcode (scan); Item Description, Price, Price Paid, (program will calculate the Profit); Date Acquired, Purchased From, Location or Address, Phone or Email.
Customers Tab:
In putting customer information for your business is purely optional, but it is a great way to create special marketing campaigns and promotions, such as creating 'reward' cards with your logo on one side and the customer barcode on the other side. Not only will this give your customer a reminder to stop by your shop often, it also further automates the program, making it easier for you to use.
Select #1000 - For Cash/Credit Sale (in the Sold To)
Customers Fields:
1. Customer No. - It is advised that you assign a number to each customer. You can use Zint Barcode to create a barcode for each of your customers further increasing automation. Printable Business Cards and a simple card laminating machine can create ‘reward’ style cards.
2. Customer Name - Enter your customer's name.
3. Customer Address - Enter your customer's address.
4. Customer City, St, Zip - Enter your customer's city, state, and zip code.
5. Customer Email - Enter your customer's email address.
6. Customer Phone - Enter your customer's phone number.
7. Customer Business Name - Enter your customer's business name
Trouble Shooting:
- I tried running the program from the disk, but it didn't save my information? You have to copy and paste the Simple POS file from the disk to your PC or Laptop for it to function correctly.
- Barcode Scanner Not Working with Program? Make sure that your barcode scanner is plugged directly into your PC or Laptop.
- Program didn't save my information? The program will not automatically save, you have to save manually.
- Program didn't save my invoices? The program will not automatically save, you have to save manually or print.
Simple is Built on Windows for Windows PC's
- Works with any version of Excel 2007 or Later
- Works with Office 365, OnlyOffice, LibreOffice, Apache Office, spreadsheets
- Works with any printer
- Works with any barcode scanner
- PC or Laptop with Google Sheets, Office Excel 2007 or Later, Apache Office, LibreOffice or Only Office (spreadsheet software)
- Barcode Scanner (any)
- Printer (any)
For help or assistance in using Simple POS by IOS, please contact the seller on eBay or send us a message at infoatmpco@gmail.com . Note: email is unmonitored and it may be up to a week before your message is replied to.